Help Us: Become a Friend
We rely on the goodwill and generosity of visitors and supporters to continue to assure our future and to share our past.
You can support us by becoming a Friend of Dunblane Museum
We have an annual gathering of Friends, and a twice-yearly newsletter.
The annual subscription is £10 for individuals, or £15 for a family.
Money raised by the Friends scheme will be used solely for acquisitions and conservation to improve the Museum's content. It will be not be used to cover everyday expenses incurred in the running of the Museum.
You can become a Friend during your visit to the Museum, paying by cash or card, or start a Standing Order from your bank. The details for setting this up are as follows:
Account name: TSTS Dunblane Cath City Mus TS Dunblane Museum
Sort Code: 83-18-09
Account Number: 00233304
Please send an email to Dunblane Treasurer treasurer @ to let them know you have paid a subscription to become a Friend of Dunblane Museum
Alternatively, send a cheque or postal order made payable to Dunblane Museum to: The Treasurer, Dunblane Museum, The Cross, Dunblane, Perthshire, Scotland FK15 0AQ.
We would be delighted to welcome you as a Friend!